Helping Creators Protect their Copyright
The purpose of YumyHub is to enable Creators to realize their full potential. We are dedicated to giving Creators a secure environment so they can distribute and make money from the content they produce.
It’s against the law to steal content. YumyHub has a dedicated team working to support our Creators in protecting their content in addition to our other safety and content moderation procedures.
Who is the rightful owner of the content on the YumyHub platform?
Create the safest social media platform possible while giving our creators and fans unmatched possibilities to revolutionize the creator economy.
Does YumyHub provide any tools to help creators safeguard their content?
Yes. To assist YumyHub Creators in safeguarding their content, YumyHub offers a complimentary digital “watermarking” service. A watermark is a little piece of digital text that is added to a creator’s work. The original content can be duplicated or used without permission less easily thanks to watermarks.
Creators are free to ‘watermark’ their posts on YumyHub. In its “Privacy and Safety” options, creators can modify their watermark to make it more distinctive. Use this link to contact our designated team if you need assistance with this.
I'm a Creator, and my stuff has been put on another website without my consent. Can YumyHub offer me any assistance?
Yes. YumyHub assists Creators in enforcing their copyrights. By clicking here and choosing “Reporting Stolen Content,” you can inform YumyHub of any copyright violations, and we’ll look into it straight away.
We have a specialized team that, free of charge, issues formal “takedown” notices in accordance with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) on behalf of YumyHub Creators. Your content is still shielded by international copyright rules if you reside outside of the United States.
When YumyHub Creators’ material appears on third-party platforms, we alert websites, hosting providers, and domain registrars. Additionally, we report these violations to all significant search engines.
Although I reported the content as stolen to YumyHub, the other website has not yet removed it (s). Why?
Although YumyHub supports its creators and makes every effort to have any work that has been stolen removed swiftly, not all websites abide by copyright laws or honor our takedown requests. Additionally, content creators should get in touch with the websites directly and ask for their work to be taken down. Additionally, creators have the option of pursuing formal legal action on their own behalf against infringers.
What more does YumyHub do to assist Creators in safeguarding their content?
Additionally, YumyHub routinely monitors the internet to find websites and hosting providers that store a significant volume of content that was stolen from YumyHub Creators.
Where appropriate, YumyHub contacts these businesses and requests that content created by YumyHub Creators be removed right away. While some businesses abide with takedown requests and continue to display stolen content, others don’t.
I am a US-based Creator. Do I have any other legal options than a DMCA notice or a lawsuit to pursue content that has been stolen?
Yes, as of June 16, 2022, the CASE Act enables Creators seeking less than US$30,000 in compensation to submit a claim to the Copyright Claims Board. The cost to submit a claim is $100 USD. This enables content creators to take legal action against content thieves without employing a lawyer or going to court. This is in addition to any actions YumyHub will take in the event that a copyright violation is reported.
I am a UK-based Creator. Do I have any other legal options than a DMCA notice or a lawsuit to pursue content that has been stolen?
The Intellectual Property and Enterprise Small Claims court is available to Creators who want to bring a claim for less than £10,000 in damages under the English legal system. The filing fee is the same as the small claims court filing fee.
I am a creator based in the EU. Do I have any other legal options than a DMCA notice or a lawsuit to pursue content that has been stolen?
All member states of the European Union have access to the small claims court system. This implies that any Creator residing in the European Union may file a cross-border lawsuit in their local small claims court.
The Digital Services Act will soon oblige sites to take down content from websites situated in the EU if a Creator complains that the content violates their copyrights or is otherwise illegal.
I'm a Creator, and someone placed my stuff on YumyHub without my consent. Can YumyHub offer me any assistance?
The YumyHub Terms of Service and Acceptable Use Policy can be read in relation to any posted content. The material must have tags for every verified YumyHub Creator. A Creator must also submit a release form for everyone else who appears in their material but is not a confirmed YumyHub Creator. YumyHub will remove any content that violates our terms of service and acceptable use policy.
Please email us at and choose “Reporting Stolen Content” if you believe that content that another Creator put on YumyHub was created by you. Please provide your name, address, phone number, a brief explanation of your complaint, and the content’s URL. By following the guidelines above, you can also send a formal DMCA Notice to our designated DMCA Agent. In response to DMCA notices, we swiftly delete infringing content and inform the account holder of the claim. Repeat infringers’ accounts are closed.
Please get in touch with us at and choose “Law Enforcement/Legal Matters” if you think you have been included in content that another Creator has put on YumyHub without your consent. The Complaints Policy stated in our Terms of Service is used to resolve complaints involving non-consensual content.
When there is non-consensual content, we shall examine the supporting documentation. If the content was posted without permission, YumyHub will remove it and, if necessary, take legal action against the poster. We will pay for the cost of an impartial arbitrator to hear any consent issues that cannot be settled amicably.
What should I do if I think that something has been mistakenly removed?
Please visit and follow the instructions there if you are a Creator and think that your content has been unjustly removed for violating copy rights.
Do I own the content that I pay for access to as a Fan of a Creator?
No. Fans pay to read messages or content, but the creator owns all of the content. Fans can access pay-per-view stuff till they’ve seen it all.
Can I download stuff that I paid for as a Fan to access from a Creator?
No, YumyHub does not permit content downloads. Copying YumyHub material is against our Terms of Service.