How To Use PPVs on YumyHub

Paid subscriptions are just the beginning of YumyHub’s income potential. The best approach to monetize your creativity for both you and your fans is with pay-per-view content. Your fans can pay for your content à la carte, just like at a restaurant, using PPV messages, posts, and streaming. Here’s a guide on using PPVs expertly!

PPV Messages

The term “PPV Message” refers to content that you deliver to your fans via direct message. However, your fans will need to pay the price you choose in order to view the content. All YumyHub accounts, including free and paid, have access to PPV messaging.

PPV messages are quite simple to use and can be sent at an individual subscriber or the entire list at once. Enter your messages first, choose the fan or fans you wish to reach, and then write up a description of the PPV content. Then, connect the media and decide on your price! Fans will be grateful for the chance to view your most exclusive stuff.

Choose “all subscribers” in your message to send PPVs to all of your fans simultaneously. Send the message, and watch the PPV money come in.

PPV Posts

PPV posts, often known as “Paid Posts,” are a choice we make available only to free YumyHub accounts. They’re an excellent method for free accounts to selectively monetize. Keeping with the analogy of the restaurant, you can order and pay for whatever you like from the menu in place of a buffet or prix fixe menu.

PPV posts already have an air of exclusivity about them. What content is blocked by that paywall? I must find out! Additionally, your fans already adore your content and won’t want to miss a thing you post!

Keeping track of which fans are paying for your PPV postings is always a good idea. Those are probably the subscribers who will end up becoming your biggest fans.

Simply attach your content, choose your pricing, write an alluring message, and you’re ready to go to make a Paid/PPV post!

PPV Streams

If the past few years have taught us anything, it is that live virtual events are here to stay! Then why not use PPV streaming to enter the lucrative live stream market? You can compare PPV Streams, also known as “Payment Gated Streams,” to the process of buying tickets for a live event. This function is only available to free accounts.

What types of events will viewers watch live streaming of? Anything almost. From musical performances to cooking courses, fashion shows, poetry readings, and more. Because they feel more genuine, private, and community-focused than curated video content, streams have grown to be very popular.

In order to give your audience the VIP treatment, lead them through the velvet rope and into your streaming-only content. Starting today, start selling tickets for as little as $5!

Use YumyHub PPVs Like A Pro

We’ll start by discussing how to get the most of the PPV features YumyHub has to offer now that you’re familiar with them all.

Quality Content

Try to maintain one thought in the back of your mind when writing PPV posts, messages, and streams: “What kind of content will satisfy my fans so much they’re willing to pay more for it?” After all, you want your fans to believe that they are spending their money on something worthwhile.

The most exclusive content that your fans won’t be able to get anywhere else should be saved for PPV messages, posts, and streams. It’s probably not a good idea to sell a photo to YumyHub fans as a PPV if you’ve already shared it for free on Instagram.

Ask your fans personally if you’re unsure about the kind of content they’ll be prepared to pay for. Use the quiz or poll function to get feedback from your fan base.

Set The Right Price

It’s true that pricing can be challenging, particularly when you’re first starting out. If you’re confused of where to begin when it comes to PPV content pricing, keep in mind that it’s preferable to start low. So long as you perfect your content and pricing techniques, you won’t lose any subscribers.

You definitely don’t want your fans to experience sticker shock. You want your fans to think they are getting your premium PPV content for a good deal.

Therefore, consider yourself one of your subscribers. Most likely, you would be more eager to pay for a video than a photo. What amount would you be willing to spend in order to watch a live stream?

Tips on Promoting

Simply dropping PPVs into your fans DMs without any prior notice may result in clicks and some revenue. But if you make the most of your feed and get your fans to watch PPV content, your chances of success will likely be higher.

Using your free YumyHub posts to delicately indicate to your fans about what they’re losing out on by not checking their PPV messages, for instance, is a wonderful tactic. Alternately, let them sample what they missed during your most recent PPV stream. Just be careful not to offend or embarrass any fans who haven’t yet watched your PPV content.

Try, for instance, to create several pieces of content with the same theme and upload the majority of them to your feed. Then, at the end of the post, advise your fans to check their DMs for the remaining content. They will be more likely to pay extra for the PPV messaging as they have already invested in the free content. Since the meal was free, why not spend a little money on the dessert?

Focus on building a Connection

PPVs ultimately provide creators like you the chance to forge stronger bonds with your fans. Think of it as sharing a secret with your fans, such as a go-to recipe, a certain makeup style, or a significant moment in your life. They’ll believe your PPVs were an excellent investment as long as your fans believe you’re sincerely inviting them to engage with you and your most exclusive content via PPV.

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